NGK Sparkplug
NGK Sparkplug
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€ 4,95
€ 2,48
incl. VAT, piece

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NGK is setting standards for the fulfilment of the highest quality requirements for spark plugs. With advanced technologies, we provide a performance standard which even withstands extreme conditions. When it comes to assortment and service, NGK leaves nothing to be desired.

Spark plugs from NGK are just as advanced as they are time-tested. Specialists in application when it depends on maximising performance while at the same time minimising the stresses on our environment.

Wrench size: 20,8 mm
Thread diameter: 14,0 mm
Thread Length: 19,0 mm
Spark gap: 0,8 mm
Resistance: not interference-free

This product can be used by the following bikes

Hersteller Modell Fahrgestellnummer Baujahr von Baujahr bis
BMW R 100 /7 R100/247 1976 1977
BMW R 100 /7 R100/247 1978 1980
BMW R 100 RS R100 1976 1977
BMW R 100 RS 247 1978 1981
BMW R 100 RS 247 1982 1984
BMW R 100 RS 247 1985 1986
BMW R 100 RT 247 1978 1978
BMW R 100 RT 247 1979 1980
BMW R 100 RT 100 1982 1984
BMW R 100 RT 100 1985 1992
BMW R 100 RT 247 1993 1996
BMW R 100 S R100 1976 1977
BMW R 100 S 247 1978 1978
BMW R 100 S 247 1979 1980
BMW R 100 T Touren 247 1977 1980
BMW R 45 N 1978 1980
BMW R 60 /7 247 1978 1978
BMW R 60 /7 247 1979 1979
BMW R 60 /7 247 1980 1980
BMW R 60/7 R60/7 1976 1977
BMW R 65 248 1978 1981
BMW R 65 248 1982 1984
BMW R 65 247 1985 1985
BMW R 65 247 1989 2000
BMW R 65 GS 247E 1987 1988
BMW R 65 GS 247E 1989 1992
BMW R 65 LS 248 1981 1981
BMW R 90 S R90/S 1973 1976
Kawasaki AE 80 AE080A 1981 1983
Kawasaki AR 80 AR080A 1981 1983
Moto Guzzi California 1000 III VW 1988 1993
Moto Guzzi California 1000 III i.e. VY 1990 1993
Moto Guzzi V 35 I PA 1977 1979
Moto Guzzi V 50 Custom PM 1982 1986
Moto Guzzi V 50 I PB 1977 1978
Moto Guzzi V 50 II PB 1979 1980
Moto Morini Bicilindro 250 --- 1979 2000
Moto Morini Sport 350 --- 1980 1980
Moto Morini Sport 350 --- 1981 1981
Moto Morini TT 500 --- 1980 2000
Suzuki RG 80 NC11A 1988 1990
Suzuki RG 80 Gamma NC11A 1991 1995
Suzuki TS 80/ TS 80X SC11A 1984 1987
Yamaha SR 250 SE 3Y8 1981 1983
Yamaha SR 500 2J2 1978 1979
Yamaha SR 500 2J4 1980 1981
Yamaha SRX 400 --- 1991 1996
Yamaha XJ 650 4K0 1980 1982
Yamaha XJ 650 4K0 1983 1985
Yamaha XS 250 1U5 1977 1978
Yamaha XS 250 1U5 1979 1981
Yamaha XS 400 OHC 2A2 1980 1982
Yamaha XS 400 SE Special 4G5 1981 1983
Yamaha XS 650 SE 3L1 1979 1980
Yamaha XS 850 4E2 1980 1982
Yamaha XT 500 1U6 1976 1977
Yamaha XT 500 1U6 1978 1980
Yamaha XT 500 1U6 1981 1985
Yamaha XT 500 1U6 1986 1989
Yamaha XV 920 Virago 24N 1982 1982

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