Solo Seat , Mounting Plate , Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star Solo Seat , Mounting Plate , Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star
Solo Seat , Mounting Plate , Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star Solo Seat , Mounting Plate , Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star
Solo Seat , Mounting Plate , Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star
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XVS1100 Drag Star Classic & Customs models



€ 39,95
Inkl. MwSt, pro StĂĽck

Verfügbarkeit : 25


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Raw steel.

Cover plate made of high quality untreated steel suitable for all Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star models.
To mount this 2 mm thick cover plate, the rear frame must be removed by grinding. Two mounting points must also be made on the frame to fix the plate. You won't get there without grinding and welding.
This is just a cover plate. The attachment of the saddle has yet to be made. For this we have many products in our webshop.
As with any sheet metal and body part, rework may be required.


Westland Customs (NL)

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